Import of Small Quantity of Drugs for Personal Use
Small quantities of drugs, the imports of which is otherwise prohibited under Section 10 of the Act, may be imported for personal use subject tope the following conditions :
(i) The drugs shall form part of a passenger's bona fide baggage and shall be the property of, and be intended for, the exclusive personal use of the passenger,
(ii) The drugs shall be declared to the Customs authorities if they so direct
(iii) The quantity of any single drug so imported shall not exceed one hundred average doses:
Provided that the licensing authority may in an exceptional case in any individual case sanction the import of a larger quantity:
Provided further that any drug, imported for personal use but not forming part of bona fide personal baggage, may be allowed to be imported subject to the following conditions, namely-
(i) the licensing authority, on an application made to it in Form 12-A is satisfied that the drug is for bona fide personal use;
(ii) the quantity to be imported is reasonable in the opinion of the licensing authority and is covered by prescription from a registered medical practitioner; and
(iii) the licensing authority grants a permit in respect of the said drug in Form 12-B.
[See Rule 36, Second Provison]
Application for the issue of a permit to import small quantities of
drugs for personal use
I……………………………………….… resident of…………………………………. by occupation ……………………….…
hereby apply for a permit to import the drugs specified below for personal use
from……………………………………… …………………………………………………
I attach a prescription from a registered medical practitioner in regard to the need for the said drugs.
Name of Drugs |
Quantities |
Now application can be made on-
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